- May force be with you – Reflection of personal learning and development

Example domain paragraphs

Reflection of personal learning and development

Situation – Bitcoin is the most well-known application of blockchain till now. However, the blockchain can be used in much more other applications than just cryptocurrency. One of the hottest topics now is Blockchain + Clean energy! As the cost of electricity generated from clean energy is competitive comparing with traditional energy generated from fossil fuel as well as the elevated attentions on global warming, the urgency to adopt clean energy widely has been discussed and initiated. / 背景 – 比特幣是迄今為止最著名的

Complication – 2 main problems exist to adopt clean energy widely: 1) the initial installation cost is high and 2) the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) of clean energy is usually complicated and taking long-time to finalize. / 複雜度 – 廣泛使用潔淨能源存在2個主要問題:1)初始安裝成本高; 2)潔淨能源購電協議(PPA)通常很複雜,需要很長時間才能最終確定