Description: CMD, col6, col12,lama2,selenon,sepn1,alpha-dystroglycanopathy,lmna
cmd (344) congenital (59) ullrich (49) muscular dystrophy (42) myopathy (18) bethlem (13) col6 (11) collagenvi (10) collagenxii (10) col12 (10)
Join the 2023 Research Roundtable Become an active voice in determining treatment priorities Learn More & Register CMD Subtypes Collagen 6 Dystroglycanopathy LAMA2 LMNA SELENON Other CMDs Double the impact of your gift! Check to see if your employer offers a donation match
The Congenital Muscle Disease International Registry ( CMDIR ) has been relaunched to better serve researchers and participants. Your enrollment is critical to advancing treatments.
Kemaladewi Lab at the University of Pittsburgh