- Music Festival Europe

Description: W&W Live @ Ultra Music Festival Europe 2023, W&W Live @ Ultra Music Festival Europe 2024, Rick Steves' European Festivals | Full Special, HARDWELL LIVE AT ULTRA EUROPE 2024, Europe - The Final Countdown. Rocknmob Moscow #9, 220 musicians

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A music festival is a festival oriented towards music that is sometimes presented with a theme such as musical genre , nationality or locality of musicians, or holiday . They are commonly held outdoors, and are often inclusive of other attractions such as food and merchandise vending, performance art , and social activities. Many festivals are annual, or repeat at some other interval. Some, including many rock festivals , are held only once. Some festivals are organized as for-profit concerts and others are

The Pythian Games at Delphi included musical performances, and may be one of the earliest festivals known. During the Middle Ages festivals were often held as competitions.

Another type of music festival is the educative type, organized annually in local communities, regionally or nationally, for the benefit of amateur musicians of all ages and grades of achievement. While entrants perform prepared pieces in the presence of an audience which includes competitors, the essential feature of this type of festival is that each participant receives verbal and written feedback, there and then, from a highly qualified, professional adjudicator—someone whom they might never meet in any