- Mustafa Emre Acer's Personal Web Site

Description: Mustafa's personal web site, including projects, pictures and other random stuff, all in 3D with JavaScript!

javascript (15056) html5 (13688) 3d (9655) canvas (2060) acer (389) cmu (160) mustafa (71) emre (24) odtu (4) mustafa acer (1)

Example domain paragraphs

A similarity-based image search system we built for NASA Ames Research Center . It is capable of classifying large number of planetary images based on their visual similarity. Similarity calculation is based on various image features. The backend is built on C++ and Python and uses Hadoop as the distributed computation platform. Check it out at (don't forget to take a look at the about page!)

A live browser vulnerability statistics site I built as part of my research in Carnegie Mellon with Collin Jackson . The system runs on Google App Engine and it collects data via ad networks from thousands of people every day, processes them and presents the results on a vulnerability timeline. We presented this project in Web 2.0 Security & Privacy 2010 conference in Oakland, CA. Click here for the position paper we presented .

A community-driven Google project for profiling web browsers. I have contributed JavaScript tests to its security category . Browserscope is an open source project .

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