- Музика тишине

Description: Pantomima, Deca oštećenog sluha, MUZIKA TIŠINE, Film, Dugometražni-dokumentarno-igrani-film, Marko Stojanović,

film (20579) pantomima (10) marko stojanović (2) deca oštećenog sluha (1) muzika tišine (1) dugometražni-dokumentarno-igrani-film (1)

Example domain paragraphs

The "MUSIC OF SILENCE" is a project of mime workshops for hearing impaired youth designed by Marko Stojanović, former student of Marcel Marceau.

It is implemented in Serbia by the World Mime Organization since 2008 with the support of the President of Serbia, Ministry of Work and Social Politics and Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia as well as the City of Belgrade through its Secretariat for Culture and Secretariat for Youth and Sports.

The project is constantly evolving and developing following the principles of the United Nations Millennium Goals.