- MVTHS Engineering – Medford Vocational Technical High School Engineering Shop

Description: "If you can't fix it, you don't own it." Problem solving, curiosity, and invention are the hallmarks of a successful engineer. The MVTHS Robotics & Engineering shop aims to help students achieve their engineering goals through hands on experience in our 5,000 sf machine shop and electronics laboratory.

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Medford Vocational Technical High School Engineering Shop

Problem solving, curiosity, and invention are the hallmarks of a successful engineer. The MVTHS Robotics & Engineering shop aims to help students achieve their engineering goals through hands on experience in our 5,000 sf machine shop and electronics laboratory.

The MVTHS Engineering program is primarily for students who plan to pursue a 4-year engineering degree, but it is also for anyone simply wants to have a better understanding of how the electrical and mechanical things in their life work. As part of the program, students gain a working understanding of mechanical, electrical and computer engineering, but more importantly improve their ability to take on and complete challenging self-directed projects.

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