- My Blog — Coming Soon

Description: My WordPress Blog

government (2861) ministry (2384) myanmar (418) nug (10)

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const t = "undefined" != typeof HTMLImageElement && "loading" in HTMLImageElement.prototype; if (t) { const t = document.querySelectorAll("img[data-main-image]"); for (let e of t) { e.dataset.src && (e.setAttribute("src", e.dataset.src), e.removeAttribute("data-src")), e.dataset.srcset && (e.setAttribute("srcset", e.dataset.srcset), e.removeAttribute("data-srcset")); const t = e.parentNode.querySelectorAll("source[data-srcset]"); for (let e of t) e.setAttribute("srcset", e.dataset.srcset), e.removeAttribute

National Unity Government of Myanmar has appointed follow ministries is the Official Government Information and Services Website for National Unity Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

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