- ‎My Child & ADDICTION on Apple Podcasts

Description: My Child & Addiction - A Parent-to-Parent Podcast, was conceived and developed by three fathers whose children struggle with Substance Use Disorder. Joined by several other parent support group participants, their hope is that by sharing their stories other parents and family members are offered a l…

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My Child & Addiction - A Parent-to-Parent Podcast, was conceived and developed by three fathers whose children struggle with Substance Use Disorder. Joined by several other parent support group participants, their hope is that by sharing their stories other parents and family members are offered a little encouragement and heartfelt support as we all travel this most challenging journey together. You are not alone.


The parents of children diagnosed with a substance use disorder or other mental health conditions discuss how they came to seek treatment for their kid and themselves. Caron Treatment Centers’ Mark O’Connor joins the parent support group meeting.     Podcast Disclaimer The Parent-to-Parent Podcasts are provided as a service to you from other parents and do not represent professional clinical advice. The views and opinions expressed in the Parent-to-Parent Podcasts are not necessarily those of Caron or its a