- fb体育·(中国)官方网站

Description: fb体育·(中国)官方网站创建于1995年1月,注册资金12.4万元,总资产超过1.24亿元,占地面积46亩,本公司专注舒适休闲淋浴房,不锈钢淋浴房。2011年fb体育·(中国)官方网站荣获淋浴房十大品牌称号,中国淋浴房著名品牌称号。公司经历了九年淋浴房品牌经营发展。根植于两广,以专业的技术与人性的服务深得用户的信赖,铸造了卫浴品牌。

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April is the month of Autism Awareness, a month which is used to spread the word about what autism is, what life is like for people with autism, learn about what the neurotypical, also referred to as NT’s, (people not on the spectrum) can do to help and support people who are neurodivergent.

While I am behind the whole premise of Autism Awareness Month, there are still things that have made me angry this month. One of these things is the amount of NT’s who still believe it is ok to flaunt the symbol of the puzzle piece to show autism acceptance and support, whether this be on t’shirts, jewellery, key chains or even nail art. I have seen so many posts on social media using this symbol as a show of support, and while the support is lovely, I can’t help wondering if some of this “support” is just

The problem with the puzzle piece, for me, is the meaning behind the symbol itself first off. When we think of a puzzle piece we think of something that needs to be solved, a problem, something that can be fixed when put together in the correct way, a missing piece, something used for amusement, something confusing or perplexing. The connotations of the puzzle piece are degrading to people with autism. We are not missing a piece, we do not need to be studied, or solved and we, sure as heck, are not a proble

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