Description: Bud Carsons My Fare City is intelligent, poetic, gritty, and gives us middle-class play it safers a fascinating look at the darker side of society.
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I moved to San Francisco just before the 1989 earthquake. Since that time I have worked a variety of jobs, some legal and some not so legal, but never in my wildest dreams or scariest nightmares did I ever expect to be driving a taxicab from dusk 'til dawn. That's what makes life so grand, all of those blind corners can lead to almost anything. Most guys move on to other interests by the end of their first year, then there are the chosen few, who the longer we keep driving, the harder it is to get out. I wa
. Bud Carson My Fare City A Cabbys Diary After Dark and Letters to Bud 1998 - 2098 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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