- my first patient | my journey in medicine…

Description: my journey in medicine...

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Believe it or not, I didn’t forget that I have a blog.  I think about it often.  Mostly I miss the days when I had time to write.  These days I find I have a lot more on my hands, and blogging just seems to fall further and further down on my to-do list.

I have been blessed again to be mama to another beautiful baby girl.  Ayla Grey was born on July 13 via successful VBAC.  For those of you who don’t know what a VBAC is, it stands for “vaginal birth after caesarean.”  I’m not sure why having a vaginal birth was so important to me.  I was devastated after having a C-section with Anika and felt like I had missed out on some important experience of motherhood.  I’m so glad I was able to experience it, but it was no cake walk.  The recovery has been so much eas

Ayla is such a wonderful baby.  She is much more laid back than her big sister, but insists on being held (mostly by me) pretty much at all times, which makes it hard to get anything done.  I’m not the type of person who does well just sitting around when there is work to be done, so maternity leave has been a bit of a challenge for me.  It’s also been a huge struggle trying to be a parent of two children.  Anika has adjusted well to being a big sister, but I can’t be in two places at once, so I often find