- IP check, know your ip address and location

Description: You can check your current IP Address and location

ip location (70) what is my ip (68) ip check (10) know your ip (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Your IP Address is

  What is an IP Address: An IP Address (Internet Protocol Address) is the unique identification address of the Computer, connected to the Internet.  It is something like the addresses given to our home and offices to uniquely identify them, so that they can be referred by the address.

The IP Address is assigned by the ISP (Interne Service Provider), who provides the internet services to you. There are 2 type of IP Addresses, one is Dedicated IP Address and another is Dynamic IP Address. A Dedicated IP Address always remain same and does not change when you disconnect and reconnect your Computer to the Internet. The Dynamic IP Address is different Every time you connect to the Internet. But in both of the cases, Dynamic IP and Dedicated IP, they are unique across the world, until you are