- Cutitul Meu - Cristian Soimosan - cutite unicat la comanda

Description: O pagina web a unui producator artizanal de cutite la comanda, de vanatoare, pentru iesiri in natura, pentru port de zi cu zi. Impartiti pe sectiuni: cutite hunter (de vanatoare), cutite outdoor (pentru iesiri in natura), cutite day carry ( de purtat zi de zi) si cutite custom (unicate), cuprinde o mare varietate de cutite, acestea nefiind modle limitate. Otelurile folosite (otel carbon, D2, pulberi metalurgice sau suminagashi japonez) si materiale de manere diverse, corn de cerb, corn de bivol Afri

otel (898) arad (128) d2 (114) cutite (23) cutit (8) soimosan cristian (2) soimu (2)

Example domain paragraphs

I am a nature-lover. Ever since I was a child, I wandered through woods and on water shores;  a fisherman and a hunter, I love off-roading and I find happiness in any nature outing. Through these personal experiences, I’ve developed certain opinions regarding the ideal tools and, in my eyes, the knife qualifies as the most important.

I graduated from University and continued with postgraduate studies; however, at some point, I decided to invest all my energy, passion and time pursuing a career in what I really enjoyed doing. I still hope that one can make a decent living from this craft and that “made in China” is a different enoughof a concept from what I am offering.

How it all started

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