- Online Property Valuation

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Sandra Carlisle has been a full-time real estate professional since 2003. Born in Los Angeles, Sandra grew up in a family of small business owners which gave her an appreciation for the dedication it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. Raised in the suburbs of West Covina, Sandra began her real estate career after Life took her from college in San Diego to the East Coast. The purchase of her first home at the age of 24 sparked a passion for real estate. A passion that, after relocating back to California

"A cross country move to Raleigh, North Carolina was the beginning of multiple home purchases for me. As the tech industry took my newly formed family to a new area every 9 months to 1 ½ years, I dialed in how to do cross country and out of country moves with a young child. I discovered how to choose a property that was livable now, and rentable later. Raleigh, Charlotte, back to Raleigh and into our beautiful neighbor to the North… Ottawa, Canada.

Discover Your Home's Value In The Current California Housing Market