- MyPath Academy – Your path to Islam!

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Share Islam with all human kind and it's true teachings as it was revealed to the prophet Mohamed "Peace be upon him" and clear all misconceptions. We welcome all dialogues and offer free education classes.

We believe that everyone has the right to chose his own path and make his own decision when it comes to faith. We @MPA are responsible to answer any question or mis-understanding about Islam and help guide you through your learning journey. Please use our available resources to help you navigating your Islam path. 

We are a non-profit organization that's focusing on providing the best resources and trainings available for our community at no cost. One of our focuses is to offer the correct teaching of Islam from the book of Allah (Quran) and the Sunnah of our prophet (peace be upon him). Our ultimate goal is to help people understand the correct teaching of Islam and how we can apply that in our daily life.