- My Quilt Infatuation

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Hey there, my friends!  Things are pretty crazy here at my house, but in the very best way!  As you may already know, my son graduates from high school on Friday, and we have family arriving this evening for the event.  Before that happens though, I definitely want to fill you in on some of the great things happening around the web.  Let's jump right in, shall we?

Welcome to Needle and Thread Thursday, y'all!  BIG things are happening here.  My son's last day of high school was yesterday, and believe me when I say it's bittersweet (he is exempt from his final exams because he has all A's, so he is out a few days early).  I'm so very proud of him, and I'm excited to see the culmination of all his hard work, but closing this chapter of life holds a little sadness too.

Since we're expecting family in town next week for his graduation, I've been working hard to get my latest quilt all finished up, and I am absolutely in love with it.  In case you missed my last couple of posts, this quilt is destined for his dorm room this fall, and the colors were chosen to coordinate with THIS set of posters .