Description: Prime phone numbers at super affordable rates
premium (4260) wireless (3455) smartphone (2635) phone (1964) ring (1194) number (510) prime (358) cellular (264) vanity (262) bling (141)
How can we offer Prime phone numbers cheaper than everyone else?
Because our service works differently than theirs. The other guys stock pile phone numbers and have monthly carrying costs to keep those numbers. Our service works much differently and thus we are able to keep costs way down and pass on those savings onto you.
But beyond how cheap we sell RING BLING Prime phone numbers, we also have a super simple process of acquiring your personal Prime phone number. Our process is ONLY FOUR steps and in some cases you will have your Prime phone number in as little as two hours which includes the time it takes to port-out your RING BLING Prime phone number to the wireless carrier of your choice.