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A slot is a slit or other narrow opening, especially one for receiving something, such as a coin or a letter. In a computer, it is a location where data can be stored and accessed later. The term can also refer to a position or assignment, as in “he has the slot.” A slot is often used in conjunction with other words that have similar meanings, such as t-slot and groove.

A t-slot is a narrow channel in a wood or metal part that supports another piece. Usually, the parts are held together with a screw or bolt, and they are oriented so that the bolt goes through a hole in the part. A t-slot is typically not as deep as a groove, but it is deeper than a slit.

In football, the slot is an important position that allows teams to attack all three levels of the defense. It provides a wide receiver with a safe area to catch the ball, which makes it difficult for defensive backs and linebackers to cover him. The slot also gives the offense an extra blocker when running the ball outside, which is crucial for success.