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Description: The Alliance for Mystical Pragmatics is a community of spiritual seekers dedicated to rebuilding the infrastructure of society on the fundamental design principle of the Universe: Wholeness is the union of all opposites.

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The Age of Light is a world governed by just one law, the fundamental design principle of the Universe, called the Principle of Unity : Wholeness is the union of all opposites . This primordial, natural law, known to Heraclitus as the ‘Hidden Harmony’ and to Lao Tzu as Tao ‘the Way’, is an irrefutable truth, applicable in all situations. For any attempt to deny the truth of the Principle of Unity with egoic, either-or thinking is the opposite of its affirmation with holistic, both-and thinking, confirming i

The Principle of Unity is also called the Cosmic Equation , the simple, elegant equation that can explain everthing in the much sought-for Theory of Everything. The Hidden Harmony is thus the master key that unlocks all the innermost secrets of the Universe, such as what it is , who we are , where we have come from , and where we are all heading in the most frantic rush.

To reveal the Hidden Harmony , all we need to do is return to the Origin of the Universe, as the Divine Source of Life, penetrating to the utmost depth of the Cosmic Psyche, free of the sense of a separate self, as mystics have taught through the ages.

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