- My Strange World

Description: Mijn persoonlijke thuispagina op het wereldwijde web waar je ondermeer mijn reisverslagen kan vinden en links naar een paar websites die ik heb gebouwd. De site is deels in het Nederlands en deels in het Engels.

russia (1351) norway (769) noorwegen (63) rusland (40) reisverslag (26) reisverslagen (24) travel reports (22) moskou (4) my strange world (1) frans braam (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Welcome to my strange world. Well life ain't that strange. I am living quite a normal life. Having a job, married and pets. But my life is also about travelling. I think you can call me a globetrotter. If I was born in the 15th century I would certainly had signed on a ship of captain Cook. But life nowadays has also its benefits. As long as I am able to travel I will try to travel. It gives me joy, pleasure and happiness. I hope you will enjoy my site with travelreports and photographic galleries of my tri

April 29th, 2012

In the section of my travelreports you can find a gallery of pictures that I took during my two visits to the concentrationcamp Auschwitz in Poland. The place where over 1 million people died during World War II. A historical place that makes you really quiet.

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