- mywalkinmanhattan | Exploring the Island of Manhattan block by block and traveling beyond.

Description: Exploring the Island of Manhattan block by block and traveling beyond.

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I still did not get over the jet lag from the first day in Paris but I was feeling a bit better. The good night’s sleep was really helpful. We got off to an early start this morning as we would be traveling all over Paris for one of the student’s walking tour. He really had us in many different sections of the city.

We started the morning in the Maubert Mutualite of the Quarter Latin on the left bank. When we got off the Metro station, we were faced with the ruins of Notre Dame Church, which is still under reconstruction from the fire several years ago. Construction workers were all around the church that morning but we were still able to get a good view of the church.

Notre Dame Church on 6 Parvi Notre Dame Place in Paris

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