- GSP - Weaving, Dyeing FInishing, Garment, Manufacturing company, Exports, Woven Fabrics.

Description: We are an integrated textile manufacturing company. We produced woven fabrics or often called grey, dyed fabrics, and clothes (fashion and uniforms). We are located in Solo city, Central Java, Indonesia.

export (2897) indonesia (2136) textile (1438) fabrics (854) yarn (850) weaving (480) finishing (443) grey (214) garment (196) dyeing (95)

Example domain paragraphs

Located centrally in the heart of the Java Island in the town of Solo, Indonesia , we are an integrated textile manufacturing company that proudly produce and market greige fabrics, dyed and finished fabrics and wide range of garments .  Having in the textile business for many years, Garuda Solo Perkasa have served customers all over Indonesia.  Whether it is small or large, our customers are our highest priority and we strive to provide the highest service and highest quality product for the value.  Contac

Contact Us :

Address: Garuda Solo Perkasa Brujul, Jaten. Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia聽 聽