- nakedminds: Exposing the Lies and Manipulation being used to bring in the New World Order.

Description: The military-medical-industrial complex is spearheading the globalists' New World Order takeover by pushing deadly mRNA tech, digital currency, carbon accounting, and centralised global control. The goal is the dissolution of democracy, a mass-murderous reduction in population, and a New World Order of human enslavement. But the people are waking up to their plans.

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Free speech platforms like Rumble have lately been under DDoS attack where networks of malicious bots swamp them with so many requests that they break. Those perpetrating such attacks don't want you seeing these videos. If video embeds are down, please check back later.

" src="" title="Gates and WHO call for Mandatory mRNA Injections" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen> Gates and WHO call for Mandatory mRNA Injections (2024) Despite the massive dangers of mRNA jabs, which have become increasingly apparent, Gates and the WHO want the military involved to force inject anyone who refuses them in the future, allowing them to

Telegram is a fairly private messaging and channel service similar to Whatsapp, without Big Brother Zuckerberg looking over your shoulder. There are mobile and desktop versions. (Android users should NOT install from Google Play but use an alternative like F-Droid or load direct .) Telegram is now the best mobile way to get relatively uncensored news, and stay in touch with friends and family. However, be warned, censorship is increasing, and there are also many scammers and fraudulent channels on this plat