Description: NALS the National Association for Legal Support Professionals provides education, certification, and networking to paralegals, legal assistants, legal secretaries, and all members of the legal services profession.
By joining, you become connected to a larger group that gather online through our SocialLink member dashboard system and across the United States on a state or local level. Getting involved in your local and state NALS chapters allows you to enjoy social events, education, and networking with colleagues near you.
engage | inspire | enhance | promote
Engage legal professionals on their terms.
Links to (21)
nalsofdetroit.orgAssociation for Legal Professionals | NALS of Detroit
palmettolegalgophers.comUncommon Value With Uncompromising Integrity – Your South Carolina Process Server - Palmetto Legal GophersPalmetto Legal Gophers
nalsofwa.orgNALS of Washington is under construction
palmettolegalgopher.comUncommon Value With Uncompromising Integrity – Your South Carolina Process Server - Palmetto Legal GophersPalmetto Legal Gophers
paralegal-education.comLawyer Paralegal Education - Educational Resources For Lawyer's Paralegals