Join us for the Anxiety Workshop
Schizophrenia Alliance Group — Every Saturday, at 3:00pm at Participation Station. This group is a nationally recognized 6‑step program for individuals dealing with Schizophrenia, Psychosis, Schizoaffective D/O, and related disorders. If you can not join us in person please join is via zoom with the link found at The group will typically run 60–90 minutes and follow the guidance of the “Blue Book” which was developed by Joanne Verbanic, t
March is a month to celebrate many causes like Social Work Month, Women’s History Month, National Reading Month, Disability Awareness Month, Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month, and Kidney Month. We want to recognize our staff that have social work degrees Bill Buckman, Tracy Jacobson and Julie Joseph. They each bring something important to the NAMI Lexington team. Thank you to all those working in the social work field and with social work degrees.