- Best Neopolitan Cuisine | Best Restaurant in Madison, WI | Naples 15Naples 15

Description: Naples 15 welcomes you! Naples 15 is your gateway to Southern Italy and the heart of true Neapolitan cuisine located in the heart of Madison, WI.

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Mosaico per Procida” (literally: Mosaic for Procida”) is a collaborative cultural project which involves numerous actors aimed at producing a celebratory label for the 2022 capital of European culture: the wonderful island of Procida in Campania region, Southern Italy. An idea born from the meeting between the notorious winemaker Roberto Cipresso and the journalist editor-in-chief of Mediterranea Online Gaetano Cataldo for the creation of a wine that is unique under any point of view. About 25 wineries, dis

Madison Magazine’s Andrea Behling takes us to Naples 15 restaurant in Madison. Click to View

I thank all the editorial staff of the IL DISPARI newspaper; in particular Mr. Gaetano Di Meglio for this wonderful article on the  AVPN American Tour event.

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