- Real Estate Greece Environmental Applications Naquatec

Description: Naquatec is one of the leading environmental companies in Greece. Provide highly specialized contracting and consultation solutions in erosion control and landscaping.

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Environmental Applications NaQuaTec was founded in August 1999 aiming to provide highly specialized contracting and consultation solutions in erosion control and landscaping practices on a large scale which the Greek market lacked.

This was achieved by employing professional and experienced personel and simultaneously forming partnerships with leading companies in England and France who could advice on the difficult landscape terrain of Greece. Key sectors were identified thus forming NaQuaTec‘s distinctive advantage over its competitors.

NaQuaTec is one of the leading companies in Greece, operating nationally, having a reputation for quality works and being responsive to our client's needs, meeting tight timetable constraints for completion of projects thus ensuring fast execution times. Visit our Environmental Applications Section

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