- Tableau Augmented Analytics

Description: Augmented analytics helps more people uncover insights and explanations through AI technologies like ML, smart data prep, and natural language—leading to better, faster decisions for your business.

ai (10510) artificial intelligence (4258) machine learning (3784) analytics (2775) ml (570) augmented analytics (13) business science (9)

Example domain paragraphs

Augmented analytics is a class of analytics powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) that expands a human’s ability to interact with data at a contextual level. We use AI to make analytics accessible so that more people can confidently explore and interact with data to drive meaningful decisions. From automated modeling to guided natural language queries, our augmented analytics capabilities are powerful and trusted to help organizations leverage their growing amount of data and emp

There’s a growing disconnect between business leaders expecting a data-driven organization, and employees who either aren’t comfortable questioning metrics or leveraging data analysis to drive actions. We’re excited to get AI into the hands of everyone to help answer relevant questions, make meaningful decisions and ultimately transform their business.

Francois Ajenstat , Chief Product Officer, Tableau