- Channel Zero

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I'm converting the back end blogging engine from Movable Type to Word press today. This probably isn't interesting at all unless you are into blogging software, movabletype has just become too cumbersome to use. The site will probably have an "in progress" look to it today as I get the new software setup. If you read the site through RSS you will need to update those links. I have the new RSS link up as soon as possible.

The wife said "You need to blog, you haven't written anything in a while." Actually, I've written quite a bit. It's just all been for my Serenity game .

I've been listening to Will Wheaton's "Memories of Futurecast" podcast while cycling latley. It's pretty funny especially if you are a Star Trek fan. The last episode was his recap of "The Long Goodbye." You know the one where Picard dresses up as private eye Dixon Hill and plays an interactive murder mystery on the holodeck. As I was listening it struck me that, according to Star Trek at least, the future of entertainment is LARPing . At the time, that seemed like a pretty big leap, but with interactive en