- National Home Inspector Certification Council

Description: certification, National Certification Program, not for profit, test inspection, national exam, professional practice, home inspection, ICE, Institute for Credentialing Excallence, credentialing, NHI, national home inspector

home inspector (724)

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The NHICC is a non-profit federal corporation home inspector certification entity administered by an experienced Board of Directors. We maintain membership as a "Proud Member" of ICE (Institute of Credentialing Excellence). Accordingly we stay informed on "best practices" in developing and administering a high quality certification program for home inspectors in Canada. As such we maintain a "Credentialing Specialist" as part of our administrative mandate. ICE recognizes that certification has become a prof

Posted by NHICC

The NHICC Directors comprises a team of Home Inspection Professionals that have upheld the development, creation and administrative mandate of the (NCP) "National Certification Program" . Primarily the Directors were originally elected by National Certificate Holders (NCH). The early roots of the NCP dates back to 1996, and was part of a "home inspection" sector study "National Initiative" funded by CMHC in the year 1999 and 2003 . In 2001 the creation of the first National Occupational Standards (NOS) was