- National UNITY Network - The Kingdom Group International, Inc.

Description: The NATIONAL UNITY NETWORK is a collaboration of individuals and organizations actively hosting events to effectively eradicate the various forms of division in our society. Achieving two goals, TEARING DOWN BARRIERS and BUILDING BRIDGES are fundamental to the network.

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The NATIONAL UNITY NETWORK is a collaboration of individuals and organizations actively hosting events to effectively eradicate the various forms of division in our society. Achieving two goals, TEARING DOWN BARRIERS and BUILDING BRIDGES are fundamental to the network.

Facilitating intentional gatherings for diverse people to have dynamic dialogue and build sustainable relationships is the main approach of the NATIONAL UNITY NETWORK. Individuals through these events are equipped to further engage in unifying activities with their families, churches, and community.

“That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.”  John 17:21