- Natural Academy - Learning that grows and connects

Description: Natural Academy promotes learning that grows and connects, accredited training in ecopsychology and nature based practice supporting the natural world around us

nature (8078) natural (5883) learning (5716) academy (2836) based (641) connects (281) nature-based (40) ecopsychology (34) grows (8) natural-academy (1)

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We work with individuals and organisations offering our accredited training courses and ongoing support. This helps individuals or teams start, or enhance, their work with people in nature. As a not for profit Eco Social Enterprise, the approach we work within ensures that we maximise the benefits for people and encourage pro-nature shifts that support the natural world around us.

If you are an individual seeking a career in nature, health and wellbeing, ecotherapy and eco-depth our vocational pathway is for you, click here for more details.

If you are an organisation wanting to access professional training and support to develop nature and health services, click here for more details.

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