Description: Natural Balance Massage Therapy Nicole Richards, LMT
fl (6678) mind (1489) fort lauderdale (796) health and beauty (361) natural balance massage therapy (1) what i do body (1) and spirit... these are three essential elements that will be fo (1) but also a variety of massage techniques to best suit each indiv (1) 717 breakers ave. (1)
717 Breakers Ave. Fort Lauderdale , FL 33304 ph: (954)707-0551 nicole @naturalb alancemas sagethera py .com
Body, mind, and spirit... These are three essential elements that will be focused on during your visit. I understand that every person seeking massage therapy requires individual emotional and physical care. It is with this understanding that I believe it is important to not only offer clients the best possible healing environment, but also a variety of massage techniques to best suit each individual's needs.
For those searching for a healing experience through the art of massage therapy I invite you to read about my services.