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rattlesnake (28) first navy jack flag (3) don't tread on me flag (1) first navy jack (1) dont tread on me (1)

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Welcome to, my Web site devoted entirely to the historic First Navy Jack "Don't Tread on Me" flag. This powerful American symbol was used by the Continental Navy in 1775 and is being used again by the U.S. Navy in the War on Terrorism.

This site has three content areas: The history of the Navy Jack Don't Tread on Me flag. Suggestions on where to buy Don't Tread on Me flags , Navy Jack shirts , bumperstickers, etc . Navy Jack clip art & free downloads.

You might also be interested in's sister site, . The Gadsden flag is just as historic. It shares the same "Don't Tread on Me" motto but instead of a uncoiled snake on 13 alternating red-and-white stripes, the Gadsden flag features a coiled rattlesnake — ready to strike — on a bright yellow field.

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