nb-law.com - Law firm “Breeva, Emelyanov and Partners”

Description: Юридическая фирма «Бреева, Емельянов и партнеры», суд и арбитраж; претензионная работа и медиация; строительство, недвижимость; реструктуризация бизнеса, сопровождение «start up» проектов, оформление взаимоотношений партнеров в бизнесе; корпоративные конфликты.

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Dear Friends,

Law firm “Breeva, Emelyanov and Partners” provides comprehensive legal support covering any business need, from handling complex cross-border transactions, to day-to-day operational legal support on corporate, commercial, real estate, competition and IP-related matters.

Since we started in 2009, we have raised our main approach to client’s requests. To meet all the expectations we do the best to achieve complex understating of each situation. This allows us to propose solutions that help to prevent problems for future.