nbtap-pajnb.com - NBTAP - Future NB

Description: NBTAP will be managed by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD) under the Future NB umbrella.

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NBTAP is a key engagement program within New Brunswick’s formalized Pre-Apprenticeship opportunities.

Pre-Apprenticeship is any activity that allows grade 10 -12 students to gain apprenticeable hours toward a skilled trade career after graduation. Experiential learning through pre-apprenticeship is support by highly skilled educators and mentors. Apprenticeable hours can be earned from high school skilled trades courses, a CO-OP or Career Exploration program in a skilled trades placement, by participation in a specialized skilled trades enhanced CO-OP program, participation in an Essential Skills Achievemen

NBTAP provides unique opportunities for New Brunswick high school students to participate in paid skilled trades summer work experiences. This program provides real-world experiences with tracked apprenticeable hours used to fulfil certification requirements. Students in Grades 10 through 12 can apply to participate in paid summer employment initiatives.