Description: NCSALL is NCSALL's efforts are dedicated to an important purpose: improving practice in educational programs that serve adults with limited literacy and English language skills, and those without a high school diploma. The National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL) both informs and learns from practice. Its rigorous, high quality research increases knowledge and gives those teaching, managing, and setting policy in adult literacy education a sound basis for making decisions. NCSAL

research (8799) adult literacy (33) adult basic education (5) ncsall (1) national center for the study of adult learning and literacy (1)

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The research dissemination efforts of the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL) ended on March 31, 2007, with the end of the federal funding. The research publications, Focus on Basics, training and teaching resources, and other materials continue to be available for download from this Web site . These materials are no longer available in print.

We hope that NCSALL's efforts improved practices and informed teaching in the educational programs that serve adults with limited literacy and English language skills, and those without a high school diploma, as well as increased the research base on adult learning and literacy.

World Education was the dissemination partner for NCSALL, 1996 -2007. World Education continues to host this site so that the valuable resources developed during this time are still accessible.

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