- Nigeria Conference of Women Religious – …unity for Love and Service

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Nigeria Conference of Women Religious (NCWR) came into being with the initiative of Late Cardinal Pignedoli, the then Apostolic Delegateto Nigeria. He first suggested a meeting of all the Sisters then. Thus in January 1963, an Assembly of Sisters from all part of Nigeria was held in Lagos under the aupices of the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria, which was responsible for organising it. Representatives from all Congregations were in attendance. The meeting lasted for a few days and there were serveral lectur

In May 1963 preparations for the inaugural meeting was initiated by Archbishop Pignedoli, Mother Mary Claver Ryan, MSHR, successor to Mother E. Reynolds collected relevant information from other Conferences and prepared tentative statutes. Rev. Malcom Galt CSSp, Secretary to the Catholic Secretariat of the then Eastern Nigeria, helped to put these statutes together.

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