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bird (993) owl (549) nesting (52) bluebird (49) phoebe (23) flicker (20) chickadee (7) bat house (6) bird nesting boxes (1) american robin (1)

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Steve, aka Ned, and his wife Ann live in rural Sullivan, Missouri, are charter members of the Missouri Bluebird Society and members of the North American Bluebird Society.  Steve was recently asked to serve on the board of the Missouri Bluebird Society. He has built over 20 different types of nesting boxes for personal use and for sale. Steve monitors 4 bluebird trails for a total of 30 nesting boxes.  Data and photos are taken and sent to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology for their Nestwatch program.  Steve h

To contact me send an email or call 636-629-8267.

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