- Needle Needs - Needlework, frames, embroidery, quality, hand-crafted goods

Description: The Needle Needs Online Shop and Store

shop (22610) embroidery (3178) stand (899) frame (773) needs (482) needlework (190) needle (123) magnifier (38) magnifying (13) maginfy (2)

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     There are extended delays on all orders, due to high demand for our unique products.

There is currently a 20 week wait for orders to be proceesed. Our apologies for this inconvenience.

Due to Numerous problems faced in production this past year and the Covid crisis, we were unable to keep up with the demand . Our floor stands are now temporarily unavailable, to enable us to fulfil our current orders. If you would like to be added to the waiting list for a stand or kit please email us at [email protected]. We appreciate your understanding and ongoing support in this time.

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