- The Needle's Notion

charts (1088) patterns (875) cross stitch (333) needlepoint (132) counted thread (7) felt applique (3) ribbonwork (2) lettie eckberg (1)

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Welcome to The Needle's Notion, designer of original charted needlework patterns. Ask for my designs at your favorite needlework shop.

A happy bunny and a delicate butterfly are at home in a basket surrounded by clusters of clovers. Look closely to see a ladybug, a tiny blue butterfly and a bee buzzing from flower to flower. This dimensional design can be displayed as a stand-up or hanging piece. The edges are hand finished with buttonhole stitch.

The design is worked with DMC and The Gentle Art threads on 28 count Natural Cashel Linen from Zweigart. Design size: 9 x 13 inches.