- Artist Home - The World of Neen! -

Description: This Is A Place For All Artists That Don't Want To Be Defined By Social Norms Or Constraints.

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This is a place for all artists that don't want to be defined by social norms or constraints.

For all of you who are new to Need, let's start by explaining Neen. The word itself is intended to depict any and all artistic experiences related to, or via, a computer screen. Miltos Manetas was searching for a word to describe his movement, and could not find one. "Our visual landscape is a fresh one - because of the digital revolution - there is a need to create a special environment for the arts - a utopia. A new word could define this environment." Miltos Manetas He reached out to Lexicon Branding to

While Neen is about feeling the experience, Telic is about the tools. Telic is the tools that helps artists design their world and see all things in proper perspective. When you think about Neen, think about how you feel while you are interacting with your screen, whether it's a computer, or some other device. You are experiencing feelings and emotions every time you connect to your device. Not all of those emotions or feelings are worth remembering. We have all seen marginal websites, or ho hum games. Howe

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