Hi! I am Neeraj Sharma: a researcher + engineer, amused by "signals" of nature. + From July 2022 - Now : I am an Assistant Professor at the School of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence , in the Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati (India) . To know more about my research group SPIN Lab click here . Previous Affiliations + From Dec. 2021 - June 2022 : I was a Scientist at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits , IIS in Erlangen (Germany). To see an (animated) history of this institute: cl
Random Processes, Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks, Time-Frequency Analysis, Adaptive Signal Processing, Matrix Theory, Digital Signal Compression, Non-linear Signal Processing, Stochastic Models for Speech Recognition, Digital Image Processing, Introduction to Neuroscience. The above courses are the few I took from the big list at IISc.
Computational Neuroscience ( Neuromatch Academy, 2020 ), Time Frequency Analysis (Course E9-213, offered by Prof. Chandra Sekhar Seelamantula , IISc, 2012), Signal Quantization and Compression (Course E9-221, offered by Prof. T. V. Sreenivas ).