- IACSDRD | International arbitration center of Santo Domingo

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For users of our arbitration clauses we provide quick and conclusive resolution of commercial disputes around the world in several languages.

International Arbitration Center of Santo Domingo SRL follows in the path of courts of arbitration which were founded in many countries in Europe, Caribbean and the USA in 1958. The Court won its respect and esteem during its existence primarily among European courts of arbitration and also recently in Latin America. Nonetheless, the Court is also highly respected outside the continent since it arbitrates disputes of entities from all over the world.

Besides arbitration procedures (arbitrations) the IACSDRD offers also professional and impartial mediating services to solve business and other disputes. Mediation is based on the fact that a third, independent, person the so called mediator steps in between two disputing parties and becomes the mediator of a conciliatory compromise of the disputed issues and problems arising between entrepreneurs, institutions, companies or individuals.

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