- NEO Masterpiece Films — Film in Web3

Description: Neo Film NFTs will let holders participate in our filmmaking, with a one-of-a-kind VIP pass and a share in the revenue from our creations. On top of all of that, the Neo Film community will have a say in what actors we use and other Production level stuff that even if “you’re a no one,” you’ll have a voice and be someone.

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Example domain paragraphs

I was sitting in a meeting with several film execs. “We like the story, but you’re a no-name… How about we buy the script off of you and we’ll get one of our top directors for it.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. They honestly believed that someone else could make a film that I had lived and breathed for over 2 years better than I could!

That’s where it all began. I knew that I was good and I knew that I had what it takes, and they did too, but the only reason they didn’t want to have me direct it was because my name wasn’t bankable yet. So many of us have what it takes but then some big-wig or corporate juggernaut is standing in the way of our destiny. Would I roll over, take the money, and crawl back in my hole, or would I find another way to take action on my vision and bring it to life?

The Film Industry is broken and it’s time for us to fix it! I connected with friends I have in the industry like Topher Hall, Lilton Stewart III, Jack Snyder, Kevin Caliber and decided that combined with the knowledge and family I had in the crypto world, we could create a film studio that would not only bring our visions to life, without the red tape of bureaucracy, but the power would be in the hands of the people. 

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