- Neponset River House

Description: Neponset River House is an employment and recovery center that offers people with mental health conditions hope and opportunities to live fuller lives.

community (15634) mental health (4766) employment (3535) recovery center (23) riverside community care (4) neponset river house (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Neponset River House is an employment and recovery center that offers people with mental health challenges hope and opportunities to achieve their full potential through peer support and rehabilitation.

Members and staff work together to accomplish the work and goals of the Clubhouse daily. The Clubhouse offers support in: Work-Ordered Days, employment, education, housing, health and wellness, dual recovery, and social opportunities.

Neponset River House offers opportunities for members to plan social functions, interact with the community, and have fun. Stay up to date with upcoming events, view our calendar, and read our newsletter.