- Nero's Black Book

Description: Nero's Black Book – Largest list of Usenet Indexers and Providers available

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  You'll find information here that you'll never see on r/usenet. If you're looking for information you won't find anywhere else...this is the place! And you won't find any censorship here!   Nero's Black Book is the largest reference of Usenet Indexers available with over twice as many listings of active Indexers as any other source. Here's proof. Also check out our subreddit r/usenetindexerreviews .  

Definition: A personal notebook or contacts or journal full of secrets. As with many English idioms containing the word black, this one refers to something mysterious or even potentially shameful. People may refer to a journal or part of a journal as their black book or little black book.

Nero's Black Book is offered free. There are no charges or expected donations. There are no ads or links that I get compensated for posting. All I ask is that if you copy the book and publish elsewhere, please give me credit and link back to this site.

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