- Peertechz Publications

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Peertechz Publications Inc. involved in publishing Open Access Science and medicine related journals. The company is run by a team of dedicated editors, reviewers and authors. We also operate from Hyderabad, India. Over the years, Peertechz has evolved into one of forerunners in the publishing industry . We continue to lead through the visions of technology, medical sciences and innovation.

Why to publish with Peertechz? At present, we have more than 100 scholarly journals that contain high-quality original research papers, case reports and other manuscripts. We promote scientific research with the help of a stringent Peer-Review process. The Editorial Board oversees the stringent multi-level Peer-Review process including evaluating submissions, selecting reviewers and assessing their comments and making editorial decisions.

We strongly foster the open-access policy and offer unrestricted access to published manuscripts, reproduction and distribution of the manuscripts in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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