- NeuroSeeker - Home

Description: NeuroSeeker Homepage

probes (149) electrophysiology (109) neural (69) optogenetics (16) laminar (13) electronic depth control (1) silicon based (1) probe arrays (1) optrodes (1) neuroseeker (1)

Example domain paragraphs

We would like to invite you to the upcoming NeuroSeeker workshop, which will take place in Nijmegen on November 23rd and 24th. This workshop is organized in conjunction with Neuroinformatics.NL. On November 23rd and the morning of the 24th, we have arranged hands-on workshops dealing with NeuroSeeker's 'First Data'. We will be introduced to methods for spike sorting, time-frequency analysis and analysis of behavioural data. On Tuesday afternoon we join Neuroinformatics.NL for a symposium on 'Big Data in Ele

For more details please have a look at our program .

Investigation of local and global cortical circuits with advanced neural probes for high-resolution electrophysiological monitoring and optogenetic stimulation