- The Native American Tribes of Nevada

Description: Learn the rich culture of Nevada's thirty-three Native American Tribes

nevada (1571) native (826) tribes (70) washoe (12) shoshone (9) paiute (6) nevada'sindianterritory (2) northernpaiute (2) southernpaiute (2) westernshoshone (2)

Example domain paragraphs

īˆ HOME TRIBES Wašiāˆ™šiw Numu – Northern Paiute Nuwu – Southern Paiute Newe – Western Shoshone ITINERARIES Northern Nevada Adventure Southern Nevada Adventure Wašíāˆ™šiw (Washoe People) Tour Numu (Northern Paiute People) Tour Nuwu (Southern Paiute People) Tour NEWE (Western Shoshone People) Tour ART POWWOWS/EVENTS Calendar Powwow/Event Map Powwow FAQs Photography Etiquette PHOTOS/VIDEOS Videos Photos ABOUT NIT Brochure Contact Powwows/Events Calendar News NIT FAQs Related Links Experience the rich culture of Ne

It’s a land of natural and cultural treasures. A land where pelicans splash around in the middle of the desert. Where antelopes are sometimes spotted racing alongside a car or a bighorn sheep sipping from a spring. Where sunsets and sunrises transform mountains into pillars of fire. And where fish swim in ancient lakes. Most importantly, a land where Native Americans celebrate their past while building a hopeful future . . .  continue

Fax: (775) 687-8330

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